Thursday, September 29, 2011

Inconsiderate parents

No, he is NOT cute!

Don’t you hate it when parents do nothing about their noisy, irritating annoying kids in public places?

Thanks to the mummy who let her kids ruin my morning coffee! :s 

Video links:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

double parking

No. It’s not ok!

And no, it does not make it ok if you leave a note with your mobile number on the front dashboard.

Friday, November 12, 2010

public restrooms

I don’t understand why there is always pee all over the toilet seat, floor and walls in public & office toilets?

Curious to know what the hell they do in there! And whether they do the same at home?

Here is a manual for those who are not sure how it works:
If you dislike dirty public restrooms, then you will like:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

marketing/advertising buzzwords

Why do people use them? Do they think that using words like these makes them sound smarter?

And what’s up with these overused words like “holistic”, “at the end of the day”, “engagement”, “deep dive”, “integration” and my favorite: “let’s go digital”. Every time I hear “let’s go digital” the 80’s hit song “let’s go physical” starts playing in my head and it won’t stop! (can’t help it!)

If you dislike these buzzwords, then you will like:
Say NO to Marketing Buzzwords! By ANA

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is the opening created for the 2010 Advertising and Design Club of Canada (ADCC) Awards. The film taps into an insight we think every creative feels - love for the business when things are going well, and hate, when things aren't.

Client: ADCC
Product: Award Show 2010
Agency: Leo Burnett, Toronto
Airdate: For Award Show Screening - November 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

people who say we don’t like living in Dubai and yet are still here

Why do people keep saying that and keep complaining about everything? And yet they are still in Dubai. Who is forcing them to be here? If they don’t like it, just leave. It's that simple.

And the funny part (or sad actually) is that most of the people who complain are the ones who have been living here for a while (5 -10 years, if not more). That means they’ve been living unhappy and unfulfilled for years and not doing anything about it except complaining. Sad.

Or is the “I don’t like it here” is just a cool thing to say? Or is it just an “excuse” to blame their unhappiness on the place rather than on themselves for their own personal disappointments, laziness and lack of accomplishments in life?

If you like Dubai then, you might like:

365 things to do in Dubai:
Ask an Emirati:
Time out Dubai:
The Culturist:
I am here because I like Dubai:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

his morning ordeal

I’ve been ordering from this coffee shop for the past 3 years. Every single day it’s the same order: bagel with cream cheese and a double macchiato. And every single day I have to go through this:

Me: Good morning!! (with a happy/friendly tone assuming he knows me by now)
Coffee shop guy: Good morning (surprised as if first time he hears my voice)
Me: How are you? (still assuming that he knows who this is)
Coffee shop guy: Good. What is your mobile number sir?
Me: 055…
Coffee shop guy: Faris?!
Me: Yes
Coffee shop guy: From Dubai Media City?!
Me: Yes
Coffee shop guy: Building 11?!
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Leo Burnett building?!
Me: YES!!
Coffee shop guy: Can I have your order please?
Me: Cream cheese with plain bagel and a double macchiato
Coffee shop guy: Which bagel sir?
Me: Plain
Coffee shop guy: With what?
Me: Cream cheese
Coffee shop guy: Toasted?
Me: No
Coffee shop guy: Anything to drink sir?
Me: YES. Coffee, double macchiato
Coffee shop guy: One double macchiato?!
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Let me repeat the order sir
Me: … (speechless)
Coffee shop guy: one cream cheese with plain bagel not toasted and one double macchiato
Me: YES!!
Coffee shop guy: Delivered to media City Building 11
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Thank you.