Tuesday, November 2, 2010

people who say we don’t like living in Dubai and yet are still here

Why do people keep saying that and keep complaining about everything? And yet they are still in Dubai. Who is forcing them to be here? If they don’t like it, just leave. It's that simple.

And the funny part (or sad actually) is that most of the people who complain are the ones who have been living here for a while (5 -10 years, if not more). That means they’ve been living unhappy and unfulfilled for years and not doing anything about it except complaining. Sad.

Or is the “I don’t like it here” is just a cool thing to say? Or is it just an “excuse” to blame their unhappiness on the place rather than on themselves for their own personal disappointments, laziness and lack of accomplishments in life?

If you like Dubai then, you might like:

365 things to do in Dubai: http://www.facebook.com/pages/365-Things-To-Do-In-Dubai/144148328952038
Ask an Emirati: http://www.facebook.com/AskAnEmirati
Time out Dubai: http://www.timeoutdubai.com/
The Culturist: http://www.theculturist.com/
I am here because I like Dubai: http://www.iamhere.ae/

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