Sunday, October 31, 2010

his morning ordeal

I’ve been ordering from this coffee shop for the past 3 years. Every single day it’s the same order: bagel with cream cheese and a double macchiato. And every single day I have to go through this:

Me: Good morning!! (with a happy/friendly tone assuming he knows me by now)
Coffee shop guy: Good morning (surprised as if first time he hears my voice)
Me: How are you? (still assuming that he knows who this is)
Coffee shop guy: Good. What is your mobile number sir?
Me: 055…
Coffee shop guy: Faris?!
Me: Yes
Coffee shop guy: From Dubai Media City?!
Me: Yes
Coffee shop guy: Building 11?!
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Leo Burnett building?!
Me: YES!!
Coffee shop guy: Can I have your order please?
Me: Cream cheese with plain bagel and a double macchiato
Coffee shop guy: Which bagel sir?
Me: Plain
Coffee shop guy: With what?
Me: Cream cheese
Coffee shop guy: Toasted?
Me: No
Coffee shop guy: Anything to drink sir?
Me: YES. Coffee, double macchiato
Coffee shop guy: One double macchiato?!
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Let me repeat the order sir
Me: … (speechless)
Coffee shop guy: one cream cheese with plain bagel not toasted and one double macchiato
Me: YES!!
Coffee shop guy: Delivered to media City Building 11
Me: YES!
Coffee shop guy: Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I had the exact same problem when I was living in London. This one guy at my local cafe would refuse to recognize me even though I had the SAME order everyday for 4 years! I even went to the cafe one last time to say bye and told him that I was leaving the country soon but got no reaction whatsoever. LOL
